Evaluation Software Downloads:
For Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista (ChemLab v3.0)
Download the file cl30_evl.exe (6.56 MB)
- Execute to install.
- Follow installation instructions.
- After installing, you can run ChemLab by double click "ChemLab Eval v3.0" desktop shortcut
- ChemLab Windows installs are signed with Microsoft Authenticode for security.
For Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP/2000 (ChemLab v2.6.2)
Download the file cl201_evl.exe
(4.0 MB)
- Execute to install.
- Follow installation instructions.
- ChemLab Windows installs are signed with Microsoft Authenticode for security.
For iPadOS 13.2 or later (Model ChemLab Lite for iPad):
Note: The evaluation copy contains a trial version of the Lab Wizard tool. You
will not be able to save your UDL file. The evaluation software also only contains a small
set of the currently available labs.
Versión de evaluación Español (Spanish):
Para Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista o superior (ChemLab v3.0)
Versión de evaluación: cl30_evl_sp.exe (5,65 MB)
ChemLab se instala con el programa de instalación de expansión automática: cl30_evl_sp.exe.
La ejecución de cl30_evl_sp.exe comenzará el proceso de instalación y añadirá un elemento de menú "ChemLab Eval v3" en el menú de inicio de programas.
- Descargue el archivo: ChemLab_v501_Eval.dmg (15MB) (15 MB)
- Abra "ChemLab_v501s_Eval.dmg"
- Abra el volumen "Modelo ChemLab v5 - Evaluation (64 bits)"
- Siga las instrucciones de instalación.
- Arrastre y suelte "ChemLab v5 - Evaluation" en las carpetas de la aplicación.
Para iPadOS 13.2 o superior (Model ChemLab Lite para iPad):

Version d'évaluation en français (French) :
Pour Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista (ChemLab v3.0)
- Télécharger le fichier : cl30_evl_fr.exe (5,5 MB)
- Exécuter le fichier pour installer le programme
- Suivre les instructions d'installation
- Téléchargez le fichier: ChemLab_v501_Eval.dmg (15MB) (15 MB)
- Ouvrez "ChemLab_v501s_Eval.dmg"
- Ouvrez le volume "Model ChemLab v5 - Evaluation(64bit)"
- Suivez les instructions d'installation.
- Faites glisser et déposez "ChemLab v5 - Evaluation" dans le dossier Applications.
Pour iPadOS 13.2 (Model ChemLab Lite pour iPad):

Versione di valutazione in italiano (Italian):
Per Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista (ChemLab v3.0)
- Scarica il file : cl30_evl_it.exe (5.4 MB)
- Eseguire il file per installare il programma
- Seguire le istruzioni di installazione
- Scarica il file : ChemLab_v501_Eval.dmg (15MB) (15 MB)
- Apri "ChemLab_v501s_Eval.dmg"
- Apri il volume "Model ChemLab v5 - Evaluation(64bit)"
- Seguire le istruzioni di installazione.
- Trascina e rilascia "ChemLab v5 - Evaluation" nelle cartelle dell'applicazione.
Pour iPadOS 13.2 (Model ChemLab Lite per iPad):